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Roots and Shoots


Roots and Shoots are based in nearby Walnut Tree Walk, just off the Kennington Road. They have been partners with the Friends of Kennington Park working in the park over many years.  This year they worked with our Expert Gardener, Amanda Rew, planting bulbs and cutting back the climbing roses in the recently restored Flower Garden.


Roots and Shoots provide vocational training for young people from the inner city, mainly Lambeth and Southwark. They aim to give them the skills and self confidence that will equip them for work.  The charity was set up in 1982 by Linda Phillips, who is still the Director, the help our local young people prepare for the world of work.  Up to twenty 16-19 year olds who have difficulty coping in the traditional educational system spend a year learning at R&S.


Alongside this training, Roots and Shoots involve local schools and the wider community by establishing their site as an important green space for urban biodiversity - they even have their own fox!


A highlight in the calendar is the annual Apple Day with lots and lots of different varieties on show.


For more information click here



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